How to run L&S:

 Download and compile LandS

Currently L&S needs ROOT for supporting the plotting routines inside L&S,
though the main part of L&S is dealing with modeling and statistical analysis which do not requiring ROOT installation.

Here we assume you will run from

# get L&S and unpack it

tar -xzf lands.tgz

# set up ROOT enviroment
# assuming you are using c-shell
setenv ROOTSYS "/afs/" 
setenv PATH "$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH"

# compile L&S
cd LandS;
make clean; make all;
cd test;

 Run without data card

# run Modified Frequentist approach, using CLs.exe,
# you can try it without parameters and it will give detailed instruction on how to config your model


# run Bayesian approach, using Bayesian.exe
# you can try it without parameters and it will give detailed instruction on how to config your model


# example for multi-channels combination
# you may need to modify inputs inside the file, and recompile it


# example for shape analysis
# you may need to modify inputs inside the file, and recompile it


Running with data card:
 An input data card is designed for multi-channels with detailed breakdown of systematics/backgrounds
 you can find the template in the following link,    please have a try to modify it to be your own input card

The conceptual format of the data card can be found in Korytov's talks at

1. run CLs limit

./CLs_dataCard.exe inputCard.txt

2. run bayesian limit

./Bayesian_dataCard.exe inputCard.txt

3. calc significance using PLR or Frequentist methods

./Significance_dataCard.exe inputCard.txt  

simply running the command without argument will print out the help message